Hello Everyone! This is the third post from Model Auxiliary verbs, before this, we have shared with you 4 important concepts of ‘use of can‘ and 6 Important ‘use of could‘In this post, We are going to share some Important concepts of use of May and Might with example sentences. If you have any confusion related to the ‘may and might‘, you must read all the concepts carefully. We have added a video lesson as well, which you can easily understand all the concepts by watching it. We have also provided you PDF file with this post.
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Use of May with verb 1st form
Concept 1 – Formal permission
क्या मै अन्दर आ सकता हूँ?
May I come in?
क्या मै बाहर जा सकता हूँ?
May I go out?
क्या मै आपका नाम जा सकता हूँ?
May I know your name?
Concept 2 – May का उपयोग Optative sentence में किया जाता है
Optative sentence – इस प्रकार के सेंटेंस से आशीर्वाद, इच्छा, प्रार्थना अथवा श्राप प्रकट की जाती है|
भगवान् आपका भला करे!
May God bless you!
उसकी आत्मा को शांति मिले!
May his soul rest in peace!
तुमलोग हमेशा खुश रहो!
May you always be happy!
Concept 3 – Present low possibility
आज वर्षा हो सकती है|
It may rain today.
हमलोग समय पर नहीं पहुँच सकते है|
We may not reach on time.
मै किसी भी समय यहाँ से निकल सकता हूँ|
I may leave here at any time.
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Use of might with Verb 1st form
Concept 1 – Less possibility (may के मुकाबले कम सम्भावना)
आज वर्षा हो सकती है|
It may rain today. (low possibility)
It might rain today. (less possibility)
मै तुमको हरा सकता हूँ| (less possibility)
I might defeat you.
शायद तुम इस पेड़ पर नहीं चढ़ सकते हो|
You might not climb this tree.
Concept – Past possibility को बताने के लिए भी कभी-कभी might का प्रयोग किया जाता है|
आज वर्षा हो सकती थी|
It might rain today.
भारत कल मैच जीत सकता था|
India might win the match yesterday.
वह घर पर हो सकता था|
He might be at home.
Concept – Politely Permission or Request (Scared or Expecting to not accepted)
क्या मै एक सवाल पूछ सकता हूँ?
Might I ask you a question?
क्या मै घर जा सकता हूँ?
Might I go home?
क्या आप मुझे 500 रूपये उधार दे सकते है?
Might you lend me 500 rupees?
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Use of May have and Might have
आपने शायद देखा होगा|
You may have seen.
आपने शायद ही देखा होगा|
You might have seen it.
आपने शायद मेरा नाम सुना होगा|
You may have heard my name.
आपने शायद ही मेरा नाम सुना होगा|
You might have heard my name.
May sentences examples
क्या मै पानी पिने जा सकता हूँ?
May I go to drink water?
कृपया ध्यान दे| (At railway station)
May I have your attention, please?
आपकी उम्र लम्बी हो!
May you live long!
तुम हमेशा स्वस्थ रहो!
May you always be healthy!
भगवान् तुम्हे सफलता दिलाये!
May God grant you success.
उसकी दुकान बंद हो सकती है|
His shop may be closed.
हमलोग शाम को टहलने जा सकते है|
We may go for a walk in the evening.
यह कार्य मुस्किल हो सकता है|
It may be difficult work.
तुम्हे इसका परिणाम/खामियाजा भुगतना पड़ सकता है|
You may have to face the consequences.
दरवाजा खुला हो सकता है|
The door may be open.
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Sentence using might
यह कार्य मुस्किल हो सकता है|
It may be difficult work. (low possibility)
It might be difficult work. (less possibility)
उसकी दुकान बंद हो सकती है|
His shop may be closed. (low possibility)
His shop might be closed. (less possibility)
दरवाजा खुला हो सकता है|
The door may be open. (low possibility)
The door might be open. (less possibility)
उस दिवार पर एक घड़ी हो सकती है|
There may be a clock on that wall. (low possibility)
There might be a clock on that wall. (less possibility)
यह कार्य मुस्किल हो सकता था|
It might be difficult work.
उसकी दुकान बंद हो सकती थी|
His shop might be closed.
दरवाजा खुला हो सकता था|
The door might be open.