Adverb Definition in Hindi – वह शब्द Noun या Pronoun को छोड़कर Verb, Adjective तथा दुसरे Adverb की विशेषता बतलाता है, उसे Adverb कहते है|Example –
- Anand works Quickly.
- Mohan came just after you had gone.
- The boys run slowly.
- Ram is very kind.
- She writes beautifully.
Note – कभी – कभी Adverb किसी एक word को नहीं, बल्कि पुरे sentence को modify करता है| Example –
- Probably, You are right.
- Fortunately, they did not receive any injury.
Note – साधारणतया Adverb किसी Noun या Pronoun की विशेषता नहीं बतलाता है, परन्तु कुछ Adverb ऐसे है, जो Noun या Pronoun का भी विशेषता बतलाने का काम करता है – Even, only, almost, at least.
Example –
- Only you can do this work.
- Even they cannot solve this.
- At least we should make a speech.
Table of Contents
Kinds of Adverb / Types of Adverb
Adverb तीन प्रकार के होते है –
- Simple Adverb
- Interrogative Adverb
- Relative Adverb
Simple Adverb in hindi
Simple Adverb निन्मलिखित प्रकार के होते है –
- Adverbs of Time
- Adverbs of place
- Adverbs of manner
- Adverbs of Frequency or Number
- Adverbs of Degree or Intensity or Quantity
- Adverbs of Affirmation or Negation
Adverbs of Time
जिस Adverb से समय का बोध होता है, उसे Adverbs of time कहा जाता है| Example – daily, now, before, soon yesterday, then, last month, recently, shortly, today, ago, presently, lately, last year, at present etc.
Adverbs of place
जो Adverb स्थान का बोध करता है, उसे Adverbs of Place कहते है| Example – near, away, far, in, out, here, there, indoors, outdoors etc.
Adverbs of Manner
जो Adverb किसी कार्य को करने के तरीके या ढंग को बतलाता है, उसे Adverbs of Manner कहा जाता है| Example – quickly, well, slowly, carefully, beautifully, badly, fluently etc.
Adverbs of Frequency or Number
जो Adverb संख्या अथवा बारंबारता का बोध करते है, उसे Adverbs of Manner कहते है| Example – once, twice, thrice, often, again, never, rarely etc.
Adverbs of Degree of Intensity or Quantity
जो Adverb Adjective या दुसरे Adverb की मात्रा या सीमा का बोध कराते है, उसे Adverb of Degree of Intensity or Quantity कहा जाता है| Example – Very, too, almost, enough, quite, so, pretty, rather, much, wholly etc.
Adverbs of Affirmation or Negation
जो Adverb नकारात्मक या स्वीकारात्मक भाव को व्यक्त करता है, उसे Adverbs of Affirmation or Negation कहते है| Example – not, hardly, certainly, yes, no etc.
Interrogative Adverbs in hindi
जो Adverb, Interrogative sentence का आरम्भ करते हुए time, place, state, manner, reason की जानकारी मांगता है उसे Interrogative Adverbs कहते है| Example – When, Where, How, Why etc.
इन वाक्य को देखिए –
- When did he get up? (time)
- Where do you live? (place)
- How are you? (state)
Relative Adverbs in Hindi
Relative Adverbs और Interrogative Adverbs दोनों एक ही रूप के होते है लेकिन Interrogative Adverb का प्रयोग sentence में प्रश्न पूछने के लिए किया जाता है जबकि Relative Adverbs दो sentence या दो clause को जोड़कर conjunction का कार्य करता है| Example –
- I don’t know how much he has.
- Do you know how he will act.
- This is the house where he lived.
- Do you know the place where she lives?