Verb In Hindi | Verb Types with Definition and Example | English Grammar

Verb Definition in Hindi – ‘Verb’ शब्द लैटिन भाषा के शब्द ‘verbum’ से लिया गया है जिसका मतलब होता है action(कार्य), अतः वह शब्द जो कार्य, कार्य-व्यापर, सम्बन्ध या अधिकार या अवस्था को दर्शाता है वह शब्द Verb कहलाता है| Example – Eat, go, run, can, will, is, am etc.


  • We play cricket.
  • He will come tomorrow.
  • You were taught.
  • The children were running.

Relation or Possession:

  • You have a bicycle.
  • The cow has four feet.
  • The poor man has no money.

State of Being:

  • My brother is innocent.
  • You are my best friend.
  • I am intelligent.
  • How to identify verb (verb की पहचान कैसे करे)
    1. जिस हिंदी शब्द के अंत में ना हो जैसे – टहलना, सोना, रोना, पीना, धोना, उठाना, खाना etc.
    2. वैसे English words जो e, en, ify, ize, ise, atp, esce से अंत हो तो 95% word verb होगा

Types / Kinds of Verb

Sentences में प्रयोग के आधार पर verb दो types / kinds के होते है –

  1. Main verb or Principal verb
  2. Supporting verb / Helping verb or Auxiliary verb

Main Verb or Principal Verb

Main verb / Principal verb (मुख्य क्रिया) Definition in Hindi – जो verb sentence के subject के साथ मिलकर sentence के अर्थ को बताता है उसे Principal verb कहते है| Example –

  1. He read.
  2. I play.
  3. We go.

Types of Principal verb or Main verb

Principal verb or Main verb दो Types के होते है|

  1. Transitive Verb
  2. Intransitive Verb

Transitive Verb Definition in Hindi

वह verb जो किसी sentence में अपना object निश्चित रूप से लेता है, Transitive verb कहलाता है| Example –

  1. You allowed me to go.
  2. I advised him to study.
  3. She reads a book.

Types of Transitive Verb

Transitive Verb दो types के होते है –

  1. Mono-transitive verb – वह verb जो किसी sentence में अपने साथ एक object लेता है| Example –
    • I eat a mango.
    • She loves him.
  2. Dis-transitive verb – वह verb जो किसी sentence में अपने साथ दो object लेता है| Example –
    • He takes his wife to London.


वह verb जो किसी sentence में अपने बाद कोई भी object नहीं लेता है, उसे Intransitive verb कहते है| Example –

  1. She smile.
  2. We laugh.
  3. They walk in the morning daily.
  4. I wake up at 5 am daily.

AUXILIARY VERB OR Supporting verb or Helping verb

Supporting verb or Helping verb or Auxiliary verb Definition in Hindi (सहायक क्रिया) – जो verb किसी subject और किसी noun या adjective के साथ मिलकर sentence का अर्थ स्पष्ट करता है, उसे Supporting verb or Helping verb or Auxiliary verb कहते है| वैसे verb न किसी कार्य को दर्शाता है और ना ही उसका अपना स्वतंत्र अर्थ होता है| Example –

  1. She is reading.
  2. We were playing cricket.
  3. She will teach them.

Types of Auxiliary Verb or Helping verb

Auxiliary verb तीन types के होते है –

  1. Primary Auxiliaries or Principal Auxiliaries
  2. Modal Auxiliaries or Modal Verbs
  3. Semi modal Auxiliaries or Marginal Auxiliaries

Primary Auxiliaries or Principal Auxiliaries Verb Definition in Hindi

वह verb जो main verb तथा helping verb दोनों के रूप में कार्य करता हो, तो उसे Primary Auxiliary कहते है| Example –

  • She did well in exam.
  • She did not do well in exam.
  • Milk is white.

Note – जब यह verb किसी sentence में अकेले रहता है तब यह main verb होता है तथा जब यह main verb के आता है तब यह helping verb बन जाता है|

Types of Primary Auxiliaries

Prim Auxiliary Verb तीन types के होते है –

  1. Verb to ‘be’ – is, am, are, was, were
  2. Verb to ‘have’ – has, have, had
  3. Verb to ‘do’ – do, does, did

Modal Verbs or Modal Auxiliary Verbs Definition in Hindi

जो verb अवस्था या भाव को व्यक्त करता है, ऐसे verb sentence में बिना main verb के नहीं आता है और इसका प्रयोग sentence में हमेशा helping verb की तरह किया जाता है| |Example –

  1. I can do it.
  2. I shall go to Mumbai tomorrow.
  3. You may pass this year.
  4. I can not solve this puzzle.

Note – Modal Auxiliary की संख्या मात्र 13 है –

  1. Can
  2. Could
  3. Shall
  4. Should
  5. May
  6. Might
  7. Will
  8. Would
  9. Used to
  10. Ought to
  11. Need
  12. Dare
  13. Must

Semi modal Auxiliaries or Marginal Auxiliary Verb Definition in Hindi

वैसे Modal Auxiliary verb जो main verb एवं helping verb दोनों रूप में कार्य करता है, तो उसे Semi modal Auxiliaries कहते है| Example –

  1. Need he come here daily?
  2. He need come here daily.

Types of Verb Image Chart :

Verb in Hindi
Types of verb chart


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