English Grammar Quiz- Article (a, an, the) Practice MCQ Test

Test your Grammar Skill with the Quiz. In this quiz, all the questions have been asked from the article (a, an, the) topic.

Article (a, an, the) Quiz

English Grammar Quiz:

Topic - Article (a, an, the)

Quiz Details -

Total Questions - 15

Pass Marks - 50%

1 / 15

Spot the Error:

Mr. Rakesh is (1)/ a MLA (2)/ from Kanpur. (3) / No Error(4)

2 / 15

Spot the Error:

A black (1)/ and a white cow (2)/ is grazing in the field. (3)/ No Error (4)

3 / 15

Spot the Error:

The English (1)/ is a (2)/ difficult language. (3)/ No Error (4)

4 / 15

The post office is half ___ kilometre form here.

5 / 15

Yesterday I saw ___ one-eyed man crossing the road.

6 / 15

Can you tell me how to get to ______ railway station?

7 / 15

Improve the Sentence:

English is not easy language.

8 / 15

Improve the Sentence:

This morning I brought  a newspaper and a magazine.

9 / 15

Improve the Sentence:

chairs in the corner of his hall are broken.

10 / 15

Is the sentence true or false?

Every morning sun rises in the east.

11 / 15

He is ____ honorary Principal.

12 / 15

(1)_____ black and (2)_____ white dog is running in the field.

13 / 15

Each of ____ students has a pen.

14 / 15

____ Man is mortal.

15 / 15

Is the sentence true or false?

Harder you work, the more you will be paid.

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The average score is 0%


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