One word substitution mcq | Question and Answer | English Test | Quiz

One word substitution MCQ – In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words or sentences.



Total Questions - 25

Time - 15 minutes

Pass Marks - 60%

1 / 25

One who offers his service on his own free will

2 / 25

One who is unable to pay one's debt

3 / 25

A person who is solely motivated by money or personal gain

4 / 25

One whose motive is merely to get money

5 / 25

Life story of a man written by himself

6 / 25

Something that might happen in the future

7 / 25

A person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions

8 / 25

A special fondness or liking for

9 / 25

One who is always doubting

10 / 25

Something which lasts forever

11 / 25

Something that is beyond the power of nature

12 / 25

A highly skilled musician

13 / 25

A conversation between two persons

14 / 25

A cluster of flowers on a branch

15 / 25

Walk in a slow relaxes way

16 / 25

A secret message written in code

17 / 25

One who copies from other writers

18 / 25

Animals which live in water

19 / 25

The study of plant life

20 / 25

One who believes everything he or she hears

21 / 25

A man who quite like a woman

22 / 25

An allowance made to a wife by her husband, when they are legally separated

23 / 25

Shy and easily embarrassed

24 / 25

Exclusive possession or control of anything

25 / 25

To get or obtain something

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